Reading List (2023)

A collection of interesting articles, blog posts, talks, podcasts, and books that I recommend. Happy reading! 🤓


  1. Introducing Domain-Oriented Microservice Architecture | Uber Blog
  2. Apache Kafka Course for Beginners: Learn Kafka Online | Udemy
  3. We Put Half a Million files in One git Repository, Here’s What We Learned | Canva Engineering
  4. Kubernetes for Dummies |
  5. Pre-commit: Don't git hooked! | Thoughtworks
  6. The SPACE of Developer Productivity | ACM
  7. DevEx: What Actually Drives Productivity | ACM
  8. 📽️ Design in Practice | Rich Hickey
  9. 🎧 Thoughtworks Technology Podcast
  10. 🎧
  11. 🎧 Ladybug Podcast
  12. 📥 The Pragmatic Engineer (newsletter)
  13. 📖 Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

Incidents and Reliability

  1. Plato's Dashboards
  2. MTTR is a Misleading Metric—Now What?
  3. Increment: On-Call
  4. Increment: Reliability

Technical Vision & Strategy

  1. How to be a strategic leader
  2. Writing our 3-year technical vision | Eventbrite
  3. How to Set the Technical Direction for Your Team
  4. A survey of engineering strategies
  5. Creating and sharing Strategic Architectural Initiatives
  6. Getting Commitment
  7. 📽️ Technical strategy power chords


  1. Why the status quo is so hard to change in engineering teams
  2. Being Glue | No Idea Blog
  3. The five keys to a successful Google team | re:Work
  4. Beyond Burned Out | HBR
  5. Do You Know Burnout When You See It? | HBR
  6. Work Is Work |
  8. 🎧 Dare to Lead with Brené Brown
  9. 🎧 Women at Work | HBR
  10. 📖 Daring Greatly by Brené Brown
  11. 📖 Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
  12. 📖 Radical Candor by Kim Scott

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  1. Hiring (and Retaining) a Diverse Engineering Team
  2. Pay fair | Increment: Teams
  3. Global Diversity CFP Day
  4. Stop Telling Women They Have Imposter Syndrome | HBR
  5. The Community | The Pasture
  6. Increased number of female engineers in managerial roles brings unintended consequences |
  7. How to be an ally to Non-binary folk in tech | Undeveloped Bruce
  8. How to make STEM a safe place for trans and non-binary people | TNW
  9. The 5 Employee Groups That Can Make or Break Your Recovery From a Recession | Great Place To Work
  10. 🎧 We Deserve Better Than “Attagirl” | HBR
  11. 🎧 Invisible Women | 99% Invisible
  12. 📥 Feminuity Newsletter
  13. 📖 Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Pérez
  14. 📖 Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge
  15. 📖 Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall


  1. Writing online: Bullet points or prose in executive summaries
  2. Becoming a Better Writer as a Software Engineer | The Pragmatic Engineer
  3. The Pyramid Principle

Career Growth

  1. Guides for reaching Staff-plus engineering roles | StaffEng
  2. Staff archetypes | StaffEng
  3. On Being A Senior Engineer | Kitchen Soap
  4. Things to know about engineering levels |
  5. 7 Absolute Truths I Unlearned as Junior Developer
  6. Software Developer Promotions: Advice to Get to That Next Level | The Pragmatic Engineer
  7. Salary negotiation strategies everyone in tech already knows — but you don’t | Candor
  8. The Seniority Rolleroaster | The Pragmatic Engineer
  9. Get your work recognized: write a brag document | Julia Evans
  10. Engineering growth: framework overview | Medium Engineering
  11. 📽️ How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work | Carla Harris
  12. 📽️ The Reality of Being a Principal Engineer | LeadDev
  13. 📖 The Manager’s Path by Camille Fournier
  14. 📖 The Staff Engineer’s Path by Tanya Reilly
  15. 📖 Staff Engineer by Will Larson